Voted Best Dentist
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Voted Best Dentist
Washington Consumers' Checkbook Voted Best Periodontist Again!
Montgomery County Office
Ample free parking in front of building
903 Russell Ave. 
Suite #300 
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Dr. Gerard Boquel, DDS
Washington, DC Office
located above the Dupont South Metro Station
1350 Connecticut Ave NW  Suite #305
Washington, DC 20036
Board Certified in Periodontology and Dental Implant Surgery 

Washington, DC Office

Washington, DC Office

Dr. Boquel’s Washington, DC Office is located at 1350 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 305, Washington, DC 20036. Telephone: 202-887-5441. General email address: admin@DupontDDS.com. The Washington, DC office is conveniently located directly above the Dupont South Metro Station exit (on the Red Line) between Connecticut Avenue, NW and 19th Street, NW and right on Dupont Circle; it is generally walkable from much of the Central Business District. The building may be entered from either Connecticut Avenue, NW or 19th Street, NW and the office has elevator access. For those driving, there are a number of private, for-pay parking garages nearby and street parking is also available via parking meter during office hours.


Dr. Boquel’s Washington, DC Office is available for patient appointments 5 days a week, Monday through Friday. On these days, the following professional and friendly staff members are available to serve patient needs: one periodontal and dental implant surgeon, one registered dental hygienist (Mondays and Thursdays only), a fully trained and knowledgeable clinical staff consisting of dental assistants and a front desk staff familiar with dental insurance, able to schedule appointments convenient for patients and ready to field and respond to all patient questions.
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